gay asian hotel escorts fuck

Chantal and Hee-Won walked into the hotel room, both of them trembling with anticipation. They had both arranged to meet the call the hotel escorts separately - neither of them had expected the other to be there too. Still, they put their surprise aside when they saw each other and began to undress. As Hee-Won felt Chantal's silken skin beneath his fingertips, he felt his heart thumping in his chest. He had been waiting for this moment for so long! He took her into his arms and pulled her close, until their faces were only inches apart. Their lips met, and it was like an explosion. They explored each other with their tongues until neither of them could take any more. He guided her onto the bed and kissed her stomach as she lay there. She shuddered in pleasure as his lips moved lower and lower. She grasped his hair tightly as he brought her to climax. When their gay Asian hotel escorts fuck was finished, Chantal and Hee-Won were lying in each other's arms, exhausted.

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